hall of fame

Toimitus valitsee: Tomi ”Tri.Moon” Karppinen pääsee Smarksiden kunniagalleriaan

Smarksiden toimituskunta on valinnut Tomi ”Tri.Moon” Karppisen (1992–2018) Smarksiden kunniagalleriaan.

Suomalaisen showpainikulttuurin salattu sankari

Tomi ”Tri.Moon” Karppinen tunnetaan todennäköisesti paremmin ulkomailla kuin Suomessa, ja juuri siitä syystä hän on yksi suomalaisen showpainikulttuurin tuntemattomammiksi jääneistä sankareista.

Tomi Karppinen oli äärimmäisen määrätietoinen, intohimoinen ja taitava videokuvaaja ja -leikkaaja, joka päätti yhdistää loistavan osaamisensa rakkaan harrastuksensa eli showpainin maailmaan. Tomille ei koskaan kelvannut laatu, jossa oli parantamisen varaa, vaan jäljen oli oltava virheetöntä. Sellaisia Tomin työt myös olivat – virheettömiä.

Tomi Karppinen tuotti lyhyeksi jääneen elämänsä aikana lukemattoman määrän monenlaisia showpainiaiheisia videoita ja animaatioita, jotka ilahduttivat ihmisiä ympäri maailman. Hänen showpainiaiheisia YouTube-videoitaan on katseltu tähän päivään mennessä miljoonia kertoja, ja on siksi aiheellista alleviivata Tomi Karppisen vaikutusta suomalaisen showpainikulttuurin merkkihenkilönä. Kukaan muu suomalainen ei ole saanut vastaavanlaista näkyvyyttä verkossa showpainin saralla.

Tri.Moon nousi showpainifanien suosioon terävällä ja vinoutuneella huumorintajullaan, joka osui ja upposi kerta toisensa jälkeen. Ei ole olemassa sellaista tilannetta, johon ei voisi reagoida Tomi Karppisen tekemällä showpainiaiheisella animaatiolla. Näitä animaatioita on julkaistu lukemattomia kertoja maailman kansainvälisillä keskustelupalstoilla, ja osa niistä on noussut jo klassikon asemaan. Kukapa voisi unohtaa esimerkiksi Botchamania-ohjelman alkuvideon tai lihaksikkaita kehonrakentajia ihastelevan Mr. McMahonin, joka sai näkyvyyttä myös The Comedy Channelin aalloilla?

Tomi Karppinen teki myös arvokasta kulttuurityötä digitoimalla lukuisia showpainilähetyksiä VHS-nauhoilta talteen. Tomi Karppisen tekemän työn ansiosta voimme muistella SubTV-aikojen WWE-lähetyksiä sekä esimerkiksi Eddie ja Chavo Guerreron seikkailuja Turun torilla.

Tomi Karppinen osallistui myös Smarksiden sisällöntuotantoon ja oli valmis uhraamaan vapaa-aikaansa huippuluokan videoiden ja valokuvien eteen silkasta intohimosta showpainia ja omaa ammattitaitoaan kohtaan. Tomi oli usein kehän laidalla taltioimassa näyttävää kuva- ja videomateriaalia FCF Wrestlingin tapahtumissa, ja matkustimme yhdessä myös Ruotsiin STHLM Wrestlingin tapahtumaan, jonka Tomi tallensi ja leikkasi upeaksi muistoksi meille kaikille.

Ennen kaikkea Tomi oli kuitenkin hyvä ystävä. Inspiroiva, motivoiva ihminen, joka ei koskaan nostanut itseään esiin. Sitkeä, millintarkka työntekijä, joka ei koskaan saanut ilmiömäisestä työstään sellaista kiitosta kuin olisi ansainnut.


Tomi nukkui pois kesällä 2018. Pidimme silloin hiljaisen hetken hänen muistokseen SummerSlam-saunailtamme yhteydessä.

Nyt valitsemme hänet Smarksiden kunniagalleriaan, koska hän ansaitsee kaiken mahdollisen kunnian, jota ei eläessään saanut.

– Eetu ”Enska” Lehtinen, Semi Salmikannas, Ville Vuohtoniemi

Näin ihmiset muistelivat Tomi Karppista Smarksiden kyselyssä

I enjoyed the work he did, big fan of the stuff he made and it’s heartbreaking to know he’s no longer with us. Godspeed, Tri.Moon.

– Coke Ibushi

His GIFs and videos were always enjoyable to see, I never saw him have any issues with people despite whatever differences they may have had towards his work, and his content had unmatched quality and effort put into them that never failed to impress me or put a smile on my face.

– Rog

I only had the pleasure of speaking to ”Tri.Moon” once. It was during a live stream of a pro wrestling show and we just shared a few jokes. I knew of them but I didn’t ever really know them. With that said, their little jokes, videos and gifs warmed so many people’s hearts and brought genuine laughter to the world. Because of this, their death genuinely shocked me. I was upset, knowing from experience how difficult it is when somebody so young passes. The only solace is that they are now at peace and while that will never take the pain away, the joy they brought others can never go away. You’re in my thoughts.

Tomi has brought me countless laughs and smiles over the years, his presence made the entire internet wrestling community a brighter place.

I’m sure a few will say this, but it’s very hard to find someone in the wrestling community where nobody had any problems with. There is an exception though, Tri.Moon was that exception. Nobody had any issues with the guy. He produced so much content that will be remembered by many, whether it was the GIFs, videos or even the streams he did a few years ago. Nobody can top what Tri.Moon did and nobody ever will top what Tri.Moon did, that is for sure.

– Swerveface

I didn’t know too much about Tri.Moon like everybody else writing about him did, but from what I know about him, he seemed like an amazing guy and very knowledgeable about wrestling.

I first discovered who he was about three or four years ago when I watched his behind-the-scenes videos featuring very rare footage of WWE and WCW. I have no idea how he obtained the footage, but I’m very grateful he did because I spent an entire afternoon watching it.

As much as he meant to the internet wrestling world, I’m sure he meant even more to his family and friends. Rest easy, Tomi.

– Dylan Peschel

Tri’s video and picture editing skills where off the charts. Every time I entered a Tri thread, I knew I’d be saving 90% of the images he was posting.
I only really interacted with him once iirc, when he said he went to a WWF show but somehow missed Rock’s entrance (the details escape me) but I told him the story made me laugh and he replied with a .gif of Rock slapping Vince McMahon.

Rest easy, friend! Goodbye /ourguy/ Tri <3

– Streaky McBacon

We chatted a couple of times, and he helped me with some videos that I was making…He will be remembered. Greetings from Chile, all my blessings to your family!

– Trigocode

His presence in the board was always appreciated and some of his gifs had me in tears the first time I saw them. He will be dearly missed. Sending my best regards to the family.

The content he created will always have a place in my heart, it never failed to make me laugh. Not a single day has gone in the last 8 years by without me seeing something online that he made. I’ll never forget the laughs he’s given me.

Tri.Moon was one of the most talented individuals I’ve ever encountered. I, and many others, have been entertained and delighted with his work for years, to the point where many of us have folders dedicated solely to Tri.Moon .gifs. I only interacted with him a few times, but every time I did, I was taken by how humble and sincere he was, and how readily he shared his knowledge and encouraged others. He was one of the kindest people I’ve ever met on the internet, and the world has been a far grayer place since his loss. I’m so sorry for everything you’re going through. I hope you can find some solace in knowing how truly special and loved a person a he was.

– /woookie/ #41968

Started lurking on /wooo/ around 2011. The autoplay .gifs were one of the things that appealed to me. Many of the great gifs were made by Trimoon the high quality Attitude era gifs, the distorted scary ones, and the Smackdown Video game ones. All made for great reaction gifs, and the great content continued on his YouTube page. I still watch the corporation kane tron for laughs. And the WCW desire video was better than what he imitated in that wwf desire video.

He had great talent, a great sense of humor and alot of people who love and miss him.

– Armbars Everywhere

A lot of people on wrestling boards can be the worst, just awful people but not Tri.moon. He was always fun, always creative, always had something to add, no matter if it was a joke or a deep dive video no one had seen. He was a constant in a place where most of the constants were terrible, but he wasn’t, he was great and damn he was creative, so so creative. I know i’ll continue to think about him and talk about him and his work to other wrestling fans, he’s an all time great, and will be missed.

I’m very sorry for your loss.

– Horse_Hogan (Alex)

I hope you’ve found peace up there!

I really appreciate the work he has put in for the Wrestling community. I still have much of his work on my computer and will continue to value it because it was of the highest quality. I did not know him personally, but I know that he was quite well liked within the Internet Wrestling Community. Rest In peace.

– SmarkyMark

You might find this suprising, but this man genuinely inspired me. I think the reason why he was so beloved was because he put effort into everything he did, making sure that all he did looked good and had good timing. He chose a medium of short internet videos, something almost synonymous with low quality, but he didn’t let this standard influence him. It really felt like labour of passion, like he could use his skills in a way that would earn him more following or more money, but instead he choose to work on subjects he loved and never put himself in front of his work. This level of work ethic for something that was just a pasttime was truly admirable, and as I’ve said, inspiring. There are very few communities with members like Tomi, who work from the ground up with no ego, no need for thanks or recompensation and never get tired of doing that, simply enjoying the craft and letting others benefit on his work however it suits them. We never talked, yet he left an impression on me. I’m happy I’ve had the chance to be a part of the same community as him, he inspired me to try to get better at what I do simply for the sake of it and for that I will always be thankful. My most sincere condolences for your loss.

– /wookie/ from Poland

Didn’t really know him, but his work was excellent. May he RIP.


A naturally gifted video editor/content creator, and an overall really nice guy. I’ll never be anywhere near as good as him but he inspired me to at least always keep sharing content with the community I love, a community he loved. He will be missed.

– Armies

I have really only seen his ‘Lonely Road of Faith’ WCW video, but I’ve heard the name and how extremely talented he was. That video in question is phenomenal. It is WWE quality and encapsulates the company a lot better than even WWE has. I haven’t been on Reddit, so I have missed a lot of his stuff. Amazing, though. I have also heard he did the current Botchamania intro, which is absolutely fantastic. A true artist in the digital field.

– Dexter Mosby

I didn’t know Tomi at all, but his creations brought hours of joy into my life. As someone that’s gone through a lot of struggles with my mental health, no matter how low I felt if I saw something new from Tomi or one of his classic gifs/videos it would always bring a smile to my face at a time when not many things did. Professional Wrestling and it’s online community was something which helped to keep me going in life for a lengthy period, and especially on /wooo/ Tomi’s creations were a part of it’s heart and soul. Thousands of people saved and saw his work every day, with some of it reaching literally millions of people all around the internet. It feels so strange that somebody who’s work was such a fabric of the community is no longer there to enjoy it with us. I’m so sorry for your loss, and even though it probably means nothing my thoughts have been with you during this awful time. I hope that the messages you receive here help you to understand how much on an impact Tomi had on thousands of people all around the world, and he didn’t do it for money but out of passion. There’s truly not many like him.

– Alex.

He was nothing but generous and supportive of my using his work in my own little wrestling online field, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

– Mathew Sforcina

Tri.Moon always made the best out if a terrible day. His contributions to the wrestling community have made me happy on hard days. I csn only hope he’s meeting all his heroes in the beyond and is finally at peace. Love ya buddy.

– CaliJester

i was surprised by his generosity, and frankly the videos are some of the best stuff i have ever seen. he has inspired communities like Wrestling, Newlegacyinc, and /wooo/. when i had a podcast i got permission to use a video and it made my day 😀 thank you from the bottom of my heart.

– GameBox

Thank you for everything you’ve done. Your work was and still will be remembered for years to come. As a Fellow Artist, I know that one day I’ll be joining you soon one day as well. But something we guys take in solace is, our work will continue forever. Thank you Tri.Moon and See you again.

An inspiration, and a pillar of the community; Tomi’s impact on countless lives could never be understated. Losing him leaves a void in hundreds of thousands and even maybe millions of lives. Though we did not know him personally, to many it may be but a small void, but a void nonetheless. A void that will never be filled. May he rest in peace knowing that he brought and continues to bring an endless amount of joy to all who had the privilege of knowing him; and those who only knew him by his work. Thank you Tomi. We will miss you dearly. Sincere thoughts and prayers to his family in this trying time.

– anonymous /wooo/ poster, and a long time fan.

He was an incredibly creative guy who selflessly created huge amounts of funny and amazing gifs and videos. Yet he was never one to brag about his work, it seemed to be perfectly normal for him to put countless hours of work into all this to give us a quick laugh. His contribution to the Internet Wrestling Community can not be underestimated. It’s because of people like him that websites like /wooo/ are a place to have fun together instead of being just a bunch of nerds ranting about their personal preferences. He made us all have a little bit more fun in life.

He was a Finn and a wrestling fan. We don’t have too many of those. RIP.

– Antti

A genuine internet treasure. Creative, funny and an inspiration to content creators everywhere. He will be missed.

chris pollard

A great guy who it’s pretty much impossible to find anyone say anything bad about. He gave a lot of people countless laughs, and he’ll live on forever through his creations.

– Stannis The Mannis

He was talented, skilled and loved across all wrestling boards/forums. We might never admit or show it on /asp/ but we respected him as much as everyone else. He gave a lot to the internet wrestling community. His videos are a mainstay of wrestling sessions with fellow board members, his botchamania intro is a cult classic and even to this day his gifs are used in all places that talk wrestling. He is a big part of what made the internet wrestling community, he shaped our culture and behaviour. Everything he did for us will never be forgotten and we will always respect him for that.

As ”The Undertaker” would say it.
Rest in peace.

– BasedPromoAnon

I’ve spent about 10 years (… good lord) on /wooo/ and Tri.Moon’s contributions to the culture and to our collective entertainment and enjoyment was absolutely unparalleled. Extremely few people have been as vital to a community’s quality and enjoyment as he was, and even if he didn’t know how far his work reached, I hope he had some understanding of how loved his work was. I’m sorry for his family’s loss, but I hope the joy he brought to thousands (not everyone will have the time, patience or memory to comment, after all) and knowing that we’re all shouldering some small burden of the grief in our own ways is some small consolation.

– oblr

To say that Tri.Moon ”created gifs and OC” would be like saying Michelangelo painted a few pictures.

There are some genuinely talented people who I’ve met over the years, but this dude was so talented and so creative than people will ever know. In a way I’d say he’s like the Neil Cicierega of the IWC.

>The Botchamania intro? Tri.Moon
>The onion gifs? Tri.Moon
>The 3D renders? Tri.Moon
>Off the Air? Tri.Moon

I don’t want to get too personal, but this guy popped in IRC and says ”hey red_ you do that podcast thing, fancy doing some commentary?” and that got me started on that path.

Most people have probably never heard of /wooo/ announce table outside of those of us who got to take part in it. But to give you an idea of the talent of this dude he went through an entire episode of RAW from 1999 and levelled out the commentary completely, re-edited the thing and put his own graphics on the thing. For two idiots to then make dumb jokes about Big Show over the top of it, or for Swerveface to endlessly name cheeses…

I’ve never met someone so talented who was so humble and so giving to the community.

Tri.Moon is and was the most creative and talented person I had the pleasure of working with.

And it sucks to high hell I’ll never get to again.


He was the best of us, and the world is a bit dimmer for his absence. Rest in power, 3mun.

Perhaps the most notable content creator /wooo/ has ever seen. A genuine nice guy, uplifting spirit, willing to help anyone with their own efforts, and capable of bringing all users together in appreciation of his work.

Condolences to his family and the community as a whole. He’ll be sorely missed and is irreplaceable in the mythos of the board.

– OmegaBR

Never seen his faces, didn’t know his real name, but I shed tears because on a day to day and week to week basis I conversed and shared a laugh with the guy years ago when we both were more active.

Posting here on the board or IRC back when it was the main means of communication for all of us Tri.Moon was there being a nice and informative person.

Sometimes we can be hard on one another, short tempered, but we’re more bonded with each other than we imagine. We are pro wrestling fans and Tri.Moon provided something to us that drew us closer. Laughter makes our bond stronger and the enjoyment of this shit so much richer.

I’m going to miss him.

Rest easy Tri.Moon.

– RegalMachine

Of all the wrestling related deaths this year, this one by far hit me the hardest. He was a member of our community. We knew him, we talked to him, we posted his amazing GIFs. He brought us joy. He was one of our brothers. I just wish he realized how much we loved him and how important he was to this board. He will never be forgotten. Rest in Power Tri.Moon.

This is an absolute tragedy. In an era where everyone has access to a rudimentary video editor, the internet is inundated with mediocre content half assed in as short a time as possible. Not only was tri.moon talented beyond description, but he took the time to make his content look as good as they did. His gifs, his titantrons, his Botchamania intros; everything had a sheen of quality that even the pros should be envious of. His talent deserved a greater audience, but the internet will keep his work alive forever, even if he doesn’t always get credit for it.

– MayanIncaBoy

Tri.Moon was an absolute goddamn legend and a pillar of the /wooo/ community. His sheer talent was always inspiring for me whenever I tried to make wrestling related content, and I always let him know that WWE should’ve hired him when now I realize any company would’ve been lucky to have him. Talented, creative, and most of all super kind. RIP man. Your influence will be genuinely missed by all.

Sin Cama

The contributions you’ve made have gone on to impact an entire generation of not just /wooo/ posters, but wrestling fans at large.

I hope wherever you’ve gone to; you’ve found your peace, brother.

I’m a young video editor like Tomi, or ”Tri.Moon” as he liked to call himself, just a few years older, and already lost a very close friend my age this year, so hearing about his passing was a deep shock for me, even though we never met in person.

I joined the pro wrestling fan discussion imageboard /wooo/ in 2011 and Tri.Moon already was a well-known name there due to his creative editing from pro wrestling clips all over the internet, many of them probably still being used today. Due to the fast and anonymous character of this kind of site, I can’t recall any specific interactions with Tomi, but we probably exchanged a few things over the years due to our similar background. I remember him always being calm and helpful, no matter how simple the question was, a characteristic I sadly never had the patience for.

As pretty much everybody in this community, I was appalled by his sudden passing and want to use this opportunity to express my deepest condolences to his family and friends who also knew the real person behind the internet persona, who I’m sure was just as nice. Tomi’s animations will forever live on as memories on my current and future hard drives (and probably thousands, if not millions, of others around the world, too) and he will be remembered as a kind and creative person by all of us.

Hope we will meet and film some stuff in the giant wrestling arena in the sky someday.

– Erik ”3r2k” Fietz

Tri made classic content that will continue to make others laugh. He was a fantastic creator and I wish nothing but the best for his family.

– Eli

I admittedly cannot say quite as much as the others before me have probably done, but seeing his work was always great fun – especially the more abstract videos and pictures. Wherever he is now, I hope he is doing great.

– Lennart Gottorf

Tri.Moon was an amazingly creative user of /wooo/, and his creations, some of which date back to 2011 (and even earlier) still are shared to this day. Easily the best video editor I have ever known personally.

I never was lucky enough to interact with Tomi directly, but for as long as I can remember he has been one of the most well liked and respected names in the online wrestling community. The content he created was always wonderfully done and I’ve only ever seen people praising him for what he did. He started trends, he helped shape the community, and he never faltered from being an unerring source of positivity wherever he went. It’s never easy losing someone, especially not someone as wonderful as he was, but I hope it makes things a little easier to know he’s left such a lasting legacy in the minds of all of us.


He was a good young man. I wouldn’t consider myself a friend or acquaintance of his, but I appreciated his passion for his hobbies. I was always impressed by how the wrestling gifs he’d make. He had real talent for that. I’d laugh at the crazy things he’d come up with. I loved how he had lots of old unseen before footage that he shared with us. He wasn’t someone who started drama. He tried to make people happier. It’s a shame that this happened to such a promising young man. He will be missed.


The absolute best at what he did and no one has been able to match his expertise and creativity.


Tomi was a creative genius, and his Off The Air series was truly a gift to the world.

Tomi’s videos are some of the best I have ever seen on the Internet. One video in particular, WCW Desire, was so great that tears started to fall from my eyes. Currently I am studying audiovisual communications in college, and I would be lying if I didn’t say that his work inspired me in doing so. I will never forget him, may he rest in peace.

– Someone from Peru

I didn’t know him personally but his work inspired me to be a better artist. I’ll never forget Tri.Moon, there will always be a place in my hearth for him.

– random chilean girl

His art will live on forever!

I remember a few years ago I rewatched all of Digimon seasons one to four. Digimon Tamers was my favorite. I wish I had the chance to discuss it with him.

Sorry, I am not good with words. I miss him, we all do.

– Colin.

One of the most famous guys on places I go to on the internet. Created some funny stuff. Real legend.

The single most talented, and artistic member of our community. He’ll be sorely missed.

– Perry Saturn’s Hairpeice

Tri.Moon is one of the funniest and best users on /wooo/ with his gifs and videos. RIP man

– ArmVanDam

Tri.Moon was a talented Video Editor that could have given the folks over at WWE a run for their money. I’m going to miss him.


Lots of people make gifs of wrestling stuff. Lots of people make videos of wrestling stuff. Very few of them are as skilled as Tri.Moon, and none of those could match his comedic skills. If I saw a funny wrestling gif anywhere on the internet that was really well done, odds were he made it. I know that years from now I’ll still see people posting the things he made because they’ll still be funny and the skill that went into making them will still hold up. And even though I never spoke with Tri.Moon as more than maybe an anonymous comment, I’ll still remember him through his work.

I never met Tri.Moon in real life but in the wonderful world of the internet and shady wrestling web-sites, we were friends. We shared the same morbid sense of humour and urge to make wrestling content that amused ourselves and if others enjoyed it then so be it. I will miss his conversations, his creativity and his fondness for Digimon, and I hope wherever he is there’s Benoit jokes. Take care Tri.Moon, all the best.

– Maffew

Smarkside keräsi yllä olevat kommentit 420chan.orgin /wooo/-palstalla syksyllä 2018.


Tomi Karppinen 1992–2018



Eläköön showpaini!

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  1. Pauli K.
    2.4.2019 at 05:48 — Vastaa

    Mahtava valinta! Trimoonilla oli hassua kyllä ehkä jopa isompi vaikutus painiin, kuin kellään tahansa muulla suomensukuisella painijalla.

  2. Johnny
    2.4.2019 at 15:12 — Vastaa

    Aivan oikea henkilö kunniagalleriaan! Muistan itse kymmenen vuotta sitten WrestlingAlertin foorumeilla katselleeni paljon hänen julkaisempia videoita Attitude Eran aikaisilta matseilta ja segmenteiltä. Sitä kautta syntyi vielä kovempi intohimo lajia kohtaan, kiitos Tri.Moon.

  3. FreakyM
    3.4.2019 at 12:10 — Vastaa

    Tapasin Tomin kerran. Kyseessä oli FCF:n ”snacky slam” ilmaisshow. Minulla oli siellä hetken mielijohteesta tehty pahvinen ”Vince fears FCF!” kyltinkuvatus. Taisipa Tomi naurahtaa sille.

    Kevyitä multia, toveri. Panama Rayoa lainatakseni: ”Niin se on, parhaat tyypit lähtee ekana.”

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